Jul 23Liked by Trying to be Orthodox

For me, a profound moment was realizing that the Orthodox pray for the dead. Not just the Orthodox dead, but the Other Christians among the dead, the Religious Non-Christians among the dead, the Irreligious among the dead. This idea was totally absent in my Protestant upbringing and when I adopted it for myself, it was like a circle of love whose radius had grown much larger.

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Jul 21Liked by Trying to be Orthodox

I’ve personally been saddened by the number of orthodox who have come to represent the church in a manner indecipherable from the other ideologies on the internet. And then am more saddened by those who have come into the church and then left because of different ideas about Covid or this or that type of person being in the church. I even struggle sometimes with the fact that a number of people at my parish seem to have a rather closed mind to put it nicely, but the wisdom that came to me was that if you don’t see in the church as much spiritual maturity as you want to see, that’s not reason to despair or leave the church but rather should be taken as a call for you personally to become what you want to see in the church. As long as I’m focused on others shortcomings I become twice the son of hell of those I’m judging. Great article here. That really fills out Palamas for me too.

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Completely agreed. Those who show up to Orthodoxy for any reason other than Jesus Christ are bound to leave at some point. You stay for the Truth.

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Aug 17Liked by Trying to be Orthodox

Thank you for posting this. I have not read this book but have had a deep sense of the same. As a former catholic turned charismatic converting to the orthodox faith. The Fathers have shed light on the path. I am going to order this book today. Excellent post!!

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Thank you! I pray you like the book

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Aug 17Liked by Trying to be Orthodox

Especially interested in learning Palamas refutation of the Latin errors. Any resources you have for that as well?

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Let me get back to you on that, I have recommendations but I need to put them together

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